Tuesday, October 19, 2010


So one thing that sticks to my mind, is the orginal "IQ" test. The orginal test was made to see who needed more help in education, and now it is used to see who is "smarter" or more apt at certain subjects.  This is not how education should be.

this was put on the wrong blog

Thursday, October 7, 2010

service II and timeline two

while i was coming back from service i was thinking, wow these kids are really smart. and why would i like would i  be able to help them? while thinking about this i was reminded about the second time i wanted to be a teacher.

by loving kids, and helping them learn to love themselves.

well, i forgot to actually mention the fact that My Time Line momnet, was that, while i was helping the kids at service, i had a flashback with my 6th grade teacher.
      he was talking about angles, where he had said that think of angles of some pie, or cake. he was relating angles to our tastebuds. which was a great way for me to understand my actual knowledge of angles. i took that idea and applied it the FATIMA kids, i said well when your biased you only see one side, so i related it to music.
by doing this i actually rememebered one of the first times i really liked teachers, and  how they could actually makes kids want to learn.